21 October 2008

System-oriented architecture principles

By Andrew Clifford

If we want our IT to consist only of strictly independent systems, what would our design principles be?

Last week I introduced the idea of a system-oriented architecture (SYSOA), in which the basic unit of IT is a strictly independent system.

To consider this further, we need some definitions and some principles.

First, definitions. IT is made up of three types of entity: systems, appliances and network.

The principles for systems are:

Not all IT can be broken down into meaningful systems. The appliance category covers IT that needs to be managed as hardware or software outside of the definition of a system, such as a storage array or a PC. Appliances of the same type are interchangeable.

The distinction between an appliance and a component of a system is subjective, and reflects its usage and how it is managed. If it supports only one system and is managed as part of that system, then it is a component of the system. If it supports many systems, or it is managed as a generic capability, then it is an appliance.

Although these principles may seem simple, they challenge commonly held views of IT. They do not support the view of IT as a library of reusable components, or the idea of IT as layered architecture. However, I think that these principles could achieve the same aims, but in a simpler and better-controlled way. Next week, I will cover how data management would need to change to conform to a system-oriented architecture.